Jun 29, 2012
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Hi Josh,
I'd hold tight for a little while before sending them to BG, power ranger seems to be onto something here.
Very interested in anymore info


ClioTrophy Club Member
Nov 26, 2010
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I have spoken to Renault today and I have been told that the old parts 8200 514 733 and 8200 514 734 have now been superseded with the Twingo R1 units 77 111 67 413 and 77 111 67 414 for the Clio Trophy. The other possibility is that Renault are not placing orders for 8200 514 73x units as its not cost effective and are instead using up stock of existing 77 111 67 41x unit for the Trophy.

As I stated before I have one of the units already and these units seemed to be better made than the previous 8200 514 73x units, eg better machined adjusters and an additional seal/cleaner/dirt scraper on the top of the damper body as well as absolutuly no give/lateral movement of the piston rod (on the 8200 514 733 unit there is very slight movement when moving the piston side to side in relation to the damper body).

I will be swapping the 8200 514 733 unit for the 77 111 67 413 units this weekend, but my only concern is that the damping rates are a bit higher than the "standard" item. However, having since found out that Sachs have not made the 8200 514 73x dampers since 2005 when the Trophy was first released, it is therefore likely the 8200 514 733 unit I has sat in storage for 7 years and perhaps degraded over the years. What do you guys think, is this possible?

If I find them too hard, I may get them un-pinned in any case, but I have no idea as to what the rate should be.

Can you get some pictures of the Twingo R1 dampers ?
Who makes the Twingo R1 dampers ?
Nov 5, 2011
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if we are talking 'twingo' the R2 uses shocks that are adjustable for 'bump and rebound' and not made by sachs

Would this be an option for the T ??
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if we are talking 'twingo' the R2 uses shocks that are adjustable for 'bump and rebound' and not made by sachs

Would this be an option for the T ??

JONC has refered above and earlier in the thread to the Twingo R1 and on page 38 produced a picture with different model numbers, are you saying the R2 competition uses different dampers again?
Feb 16, 2008
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Yes they're the Twingo R1 dampers. R2 dampers are completely different and are more advanced with more adjustments. I know I initially said I wouldn't fit these parts, but I think I will now as officially Renault are now supplying these are the parts to be used for the Trophy and also in the interest of research! West Renault have said they now have a few of these sets in stock now, but it may also be possible to source them from who are official parts suppliers for the UK Renaultsport for rally products. Though I don't know whether the 12 months warranty applies as with those from a dealership.
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Oct 11, 2010
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FYI I was hoping a local company 'Penske Racing' who do racing dampers would look at rebuilding them but I have had an email today saying they will only touch their own stuff.
I spoke to Fred @ BTM regarding this matter last week and he advised that any decent company should be ok as long as o-rings etc were matched properly (oem parts not a full requirement) and had been quoted an identical price to Power Ranger above.

I shall carry on searching too for a similar service.
Nov 5, 2011
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So after a morning with a very helpful parts guy at my local Renault dealers i can confirm that front sachs part numbers 8200 514 734 O/S and 8200 514 733 N/S indeed have been superseded by 77 111 67 413 O/S and 77 111 67 414 N/S.

The only downside to this is that they are itro £1400 rrp but available this would of course include a 12 month parts warranty from renault.

I did get them down to £1000 per side but that's roughly a 5th of the value of the car ! your thoughts guys.
Apr 25, 2011
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£1k per side??!?!?!

As much as I love the trophy I would be binning the sachs more than likely if I had to buy new.

With prices the way they are, the average T is worth circa £5k. Simple economics in my book, spending nearly half the value on new dampers. God no.
Feb 16, 2008
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Well got my "standard" Trophy dampers swapped out so now have matched pair of Twingo R1 dampers today and fitted them today.

But before fitting, I decided to take a closer look at the "scraper"...

The rubber flange forms a tight seal protecting the damper from dirt and dust and possibly from scoring.

Right so to the task of swapping them out. It wasn't too difficult to be honest but getting the two hub bolts off was a bitch :mad:. First loosened nut with WD40 and long bar and then used a hammer to bang out the bolts.

Used the wheel to support the hub/brake assembly.

Make sure you use sping compressor when disassembling the top mount from the damper. Mine shot off up the drive way!

Here is the new damper is in situ.

When replacing the dampers, I recommend getting new top mounts, one of the damper's top mount bush was deeply scored. :eek:
The one from the other damper was also scored but not as bad as the one above.

The new top mount came with a new redesigned bush, this one looks a bit more substantial and unlike the old one, this screws into damper piston rod. so hoping that will stand up to the abuse.

I got my dampers at £470 per side from West in Cambridge, but I placed the order months ago and bought them as 8200 514 73x rather than 77 111 41x. I guess it was worth the wait of nearly 5 months if they have bumped up the price back up to £1000+. I can confirm that West now have a couple of pairs in stock now.

Now how does it drive? It drives beautifully...again. The ride is not noticeably harder at all and low speed and high speed damping is the same as "stock" before they leaked. I guess despite the 10lbs or so of extra force to push the damper down in my very unscientific and inaccurate "dyno" proved nothing. :eek:
Feb 16, 2008
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£1k per side??!?!?!

As much as I love the trophy I would be binning the sachs more than likely if I had to buy new.

With prices the way they are, the average T is worth circa £5k. Simple economics in my book, spending nearly half the value on new dampers. God no.

The parts site on have the R1 dampers at around 700Euros each. You could either go direct to them or you could try who are the official Renaultsport uk rally parts suppliers.
Feb 24, 2008
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Now how does it drive? It drives beautifully...again. The ride is not noticeably harder at all and low speed and high speed damping is the same as "stock" before they leaked. I guess despite the 10lbs or so of extra force to push the damper down in my very unscientific and inaccurate "dyno" proved nothing. :eek:

Good stuff Jonc. Thanks for posting the update and pictures. If the R1 dampers are cheaper than standard ones, as well as coming with a helpful redesign to minimise the possibility of scoring, it would seem they are the future. As they are a rally component the 'scraper' would have been a must for the design; maybe something Renault felt wasn't originally required for circuit racing and road use.

Do you know if they were defined as 'tarmac' or 'gravel' spec? Perhaps neither?

If the R1 is Group N the dampers are likely to be standard homologated parts that have to be used by all R1 competitors. As they are pinned as well no customising of the bump and rebound will be allowed.

Therefore it will have to be the springs and spring rates that effect handling on different surfaces. As you have kept the original springs specifically set up for the Trophy's weight and standard road use I would expect that's why it subjectively feels the same as stock; even if the R1 dampers do have a slightly different amount of pressure required to compress them.

Let us all know how they settle in and how you get on with them. Judging by the new top mount design fitted and brand new dampers it will be superb.
Apr 25, 2011
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Even at that kind of price you are looking at circa £580 per side. Which is obviously alot better than £1k per side, what it really boils down to is how long they will last. Will be interested to hear how they do!
Oct 5, 2011
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Good work Jon. It is nice to hear that after the fear of no more dampers being produced that there is an answer. The fact they seem to be an evolution of the standard items is a bonus.
Aug 16, 2008
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I'm hoping mine will be back shortly so I will give more info when they have arrived. There was no way I'm paying £1400 a side for new R1 dampers there only £40 cheaper from the Sach ones ( originals )
Oct 5, 2011
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^ Looking forward to this as the cost of a refurb at BG can go up fast. The only thing is what happens if you need new shafts or reservoirs etc? I thought BG were the only place with the replacement parts easily available? Or have I missed something?