
ClioTrophy Moderator
Oct 8, 2005
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At 8.30 - 9ish this morning, coming back from the golf course with the old man driving perfectly legal and with headlights on as it was a bit dark still. A bloke coming the other way in a beaten up Pug 205 decided to flash me and point to the front of my car. I thought maybe he's doing that as i could have a headlight out or something... but no... he then decided to give me the w@nker hand gesture...

Whats wrong with some people!? The worlds gone mad! (swear)
Apr 3, 2006
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Dorset/Somerset border
But why are STI drivers always fat ugly nob-heads?

I think I've already told the story of how my brother was visiting a Japanese car manufacturer, and was trying to describe the kind of person that drives a Skyline in the UK.
After listening to my brother's polite description, his host replied "Ah, wankers! Yes they drive them here too!"


Renaultsport said:
At 8.30 - 9ish this morning, coming back from the golf course with the old man driving perfectly legal and with headlights on as it was a bit dark still. A bloke coming the other way in a beaten up Pug 205 decided to flash me and point to the front of my car. I thought maybe he's doing that as i could have a headlight out or something... but no... he then decided to give me the w@nker hand gesture...

Whats wrong with some people!? The worlds gone mad! (swear)

Know how you feel! I drive with my headlamps on 95% of the time and I often get people flashing me. I really hope the EU introduce daytime running lamps in the UK; hopefully it'll drive 'em mental and they'll have to be taken into care. :)


ClioTrophy Moderator
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
David87 said:
Renaultsport said:
At 8.30 - 9ish this morning, coming back from the golf course with the old man driving perfectly legal and with headlights on as it was a bit dark still. A bloke coming the other way in a beaten up Pug 205 decided to flash me and point to the front of my car. I thought maybe he's doing that as i could have a headlight out or something... but no... he then decided to give me the w@nker hand gesture...

Whats wrong with some people!? The worlds gone mad! (swear)

Know how you feel! I drive with my headlamps on 95% of the time and I often get people flashing me. I really hope the EU introduce daytime running lamps in the UK; hopefully it'll drive 'em mental and they'll have to be taken into care. :)

And the roads will be a better place for all (Trophy) drivers to enjoy!
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
Great thread. It's an odd car the Trophy in the way people react to it. Obviously there are those 'who know' and respect it but they're in the minority - like us!

I know I shouldn't react to the holier-than-thou types and confirm their stereotypes but it's hard. Some old fart in a Matiz honked and flashed at me the other day as I overtook, even though it was *perfectly* safe to do so (if you're not 80 and can actually see where the road goes, that is). I'm embarassed to say I gave him the finger for his efforts. :roll:

Don't even get me started about the panic merchants who flash at you when you're overtaking towards them (again, when it's perfectly safe to do so)...
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
__CA__ said:
Great thread. It's an odd car the Trophy in the way people react to it. Obviously there are those 'who know' and respect it but they're in the minority - like us!

I know I shouldn't react to the holier-than-thou types and confirm their stereotypes but it's hard. Some old fart in a Matiz honked and flashed at me the other day as I overtook, even though it was *perfectly* safe to do so (if you're not 80 and can actually see where the road goes, that is). I'm embarassed to say I gave him the finger for his efforts. :roll:

Don't even get me started about the panic merchants who flash at you when you're overtaking towards them (again, when it's perfectly safe to do so)...

I had another one today, he was so far away that if he wasn't in the elevated position of three and a half metres above the road in his Hyundai 4x4 (Poor man's X5) he wouldn't have known I was there, when I finally passed him a good five seconds later, I flashed back and waved out of the window as if I knew him and was returning the signal, he looked most confused, stupid twonk.

I think it comes down to jealousy as it's something they'd never have the guts, gumption or horsepower to do, unless a two foot wide milk float ever broke down and pulled into a layby that is, then they might consider it, after permission from the wizzened up old bag in the passenger seat. There, I feel better now.
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ive noticed those folks who dont seem happy with the size of their penis, bloke in the G60 Corrado on the 414 that includes you, seem to want to sit on your arse and encourage a race. 'Fraid i never take the bait with these idiots, bit older and wiser these days.

However, I have noticed that owners of "proper" cars, 911s, Lotus', TVR's, etc seem to give me an approving nod which is nice. Got the thumbs up from a GT3RS on sunday when filling up with feul :D
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
Stopped into the pub the other eve in my way home, car was still looking fantastic after some TLC for Goodwood, after a little while i noticed a crowd of people pointing and crouching down, all looking at the little red running shoe. First time that's happened, put a stupid grin on my face.
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Lol.. you guys get so much attention! Try driving in London... no one cares for the poor little Trophy! :(

I went to get a bite to eat two weekends ago and ended up parking next to a brand new Bentley GT drop top in black (with black 20" rims), a 997TT, a 996GT2, an Enzo, a Diablo (looked quite new - no pop up lights) and last, but not least, a lovely Carrera GT.

Seriously, all of these cars were parked in a row. Needless to say the Trophy didn't get a look at...

This was outside Harrods BTW - on the side street which ends up being a dead end. There is a good Italian restaurant / snack bar which these owners seem to eat at on the weekends.

Another nice hang-out is on Old Bond Street where you're always guaranteed a parking lot next to an SL55 in either white or black, a F430, and of course the all time favourite Continental GT, in grey no less. Most of the time these cars are on Dubai plates... the parking attendants never give them a ticket because they can't write out the characters on the number plate!!! :lol:



No one seems to give it a second look around here either. Just what I was after! :D


ClioTrophy Moderator
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Why is it always fcukin chavs... i was driving towards calshot the other eve with the girlfriend doing the speed limit etc. I spot a shit heap coming the other way with the passenger giving be the bird, he then taps the driver on the shoulder so he then beeps his horn and then all of a sudden everyone in the car is giving me the bird!

Jealousy! Hate it!!

On a good note though, i have seen a car driving past my house a bit (which i was slightly worried abou) however he knocked on the door (but i was out) and said how nice the car looked and left his number asking if i can contact him as he wanted to ask some questions about the weee tomato car :)


ClioTrophy Club Member
Oct 16, 2006
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Trophy No.
I got two lads in a corsa gettin up my arse then backing off! kept doing this all the way along the road i was on! they then stopped randomly in the middle of the road then caught me up again! at this point i was getting annoyed so jus put my foot down abit to get away from them. they caught me up agen when i slowed down to which they started flashing me and indicating as if i should pull up! i ignored them, came to some traffic lights where they pulled up along side me and decided to tell me my exhaust was hanging off :?: Which i think i would of known about if it was absolute K***heads!

I also get flashed regulary for no reason at all!

My little rant over haha
May 11, 2007
Reaction score
I dont own a clio trophy (looking to buy) but have a Citroen C2 with citroen sport bodystyling and some 17" alloys in black and yes i get flashed too for no reason. It is a shame that people have nothing better to do or are soo rediculously anal that they have to do this kind of pathetic thing!. I think alot of people on the roads do just need to get a life and worry about things that actually properly affect them not just a car that passes them for 2 seconds. Again i was out with my Dad in his red 355 overtook someone and the guy coming the other way in his morris minor was flashing and honking when there was plenty of room for us too pass. Although i would have been a bit nervouse of that thing coming towards me when it is overtaking 4 cars and an petrol tanker in one hit. :lol:



May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
greg131187 said:
Although i would have been a bit nervouse of that thing coming towards me when it is overtaking 4 cars and an petrol tanker in one hit. :lol:


Regular occurrence for me :)