Do Renault have stock Marc?
There is parts i have managed to get from them that no one else has.
I can get these at Cost price from Renault which is £84 + VAT each.
Retail is around £140+vat (£168)
Marc R many thanks for this I really appreciate you posting up cost prices.
If this is the support I get from fellow Trophy owners I'll just leave you guys to source your own parts and try getting them red tagged from Dieppe.
I spent time and effort to make fuck all money on these but hey ho have a lovely evening.
I actually lost money helping Hoolio out with all the phone calls I made and delivering them to him but as I'd promised him I felt that it was the right thing to do.
This has just topped off a really shitty day so thank you so much for this......
FYI the prices I was selling them for I made 10% and offered free local delivery feel free to match that!
If you read the post above to what i have said i can't match that and i have NEVER claimed to match that.
I (once again that ME) can get a shock for the price stated above, if i was to buy more than 2 i would be charged full RRP for them.
If you make a promise to someone regarding something no matter if its personal or business then thats up to you, If you make money or lose money then once again thats up to you.
You want to sell these for £400 a shock or £39.99 a shock then bash on.
As said above "ANYONE" can walk into a dealer or phone RUK to sort out parts problems along with any other problems they have.
You are correct but wrong.
As a Renault Trade customer I can get my orders red tagged from Dieppe and shipped over faster than SOME KID who has a mate who works for a Renault dealer.
TRY TO get one faster than me 50 quid says you can'tx
Im not going to get into a petty fight about who can get a shock quicker then you or who can't.
Its sad to say the least never mind silly threats via PM's about it being the last thing i will ever do.
Anyone who knows the car trade, dealers or how customer support works will know fine well a phone call to a dealer or to RUK will solve the issue.
I have NEVER once tried to claim that i am getting batches of rear shocks to sell at a profit or at al loss, i have then again never once claimed to get these over night via TNT, Royal mail or anyone else to sell them on.
Like ever other customer i will have to wait and if it takes 2 weeks then so be it but then i will just call RUK to resolve the problem as thats what there customer support service is for. Once again the price stated was the price that i am getting them and its not like I'm going to buy these to sell them on as i will not be getting them again at that price.
If you want to carry on getting these super quick bash on, it makes no difference to me and if you want to make a profit or a loss on them once again bash on.
Clearly for just being "SOME KID" that you have stated you sure do bite and spit the dummy over information that any member of the public can access or get. If i was just that Kid then i would not have a clue what I'm talking about when clearly i do.
Case closed
Did I come on the wrong forum, this is all very![]()
You really are a self righteous twat.
Matt really bit disappointed, thought you were going to leave this on alone.
Come on ladies its just shocks for a Clio! No need to get your knickers all in a twist over it!
Did I come on the wrong forum, this is all very![]()
All I can do is apologise I found out last night a close friend has cancer. Being an idiot on a car forum us not the way to deal with it so Marc and Hoolio all I can do is rather than Pm you I am posting this. Having a temper tantrum on a forum is sad and I deeply regret how I handled myself.
Indeed, the forum is a shadow of what it once was and after eight years it's probably time to duck out.