Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah, pretty interesting results and probably more than a little conservative as Steve pointed out.

Here's a q - the 182 quoted in Renaultsport 182 - is it definitely 182bhp? Not 182ps? If it was ps then the expected figures would be a little lower and some maybe not that far off the mark.

btw - i seem to remember reading about the Trophy getting 'good' engines too - not sure where though - press release, magazine article, net article or internet ramblings? I really dont recall.


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
Cool Hand Luke said:
Yeah, pretty interesting results and probably more than a little conservative as Steve pointed out.

Here's a q - the 182 quoted in Renaultsport 182 - is it definitely 182bhp? Not 182ps? If it was ps then the expected figures would be a little lower and some maybe not that far off the mark.

btw - i seem to remember reading about the Trophy getting 'good' engines too - not sure where though - press release, magazine article, net article or internet ramblings? I really dont recall.

no 182 means ps not BHP. I think alot of people forget this.
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
On track
182ps which means around 178-179bhp, but this is a dyno figure, with nothing attached to the engine to draw power off it.

As for the hand picked engine story. It's a myth, cos if you remember that the Trophys were the last off the production line, they would have had the last of the engines.

It's not like they dyno'ed 1000 engines, and picked the best 500 of them.
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
sm_wrc said:
182ps which means around 178-179bhp, but this is a dyno figure, with nothing attached to the engine to draw power off it.

As for the hand picked engine story. It's a myth, cos if you remember that the Trophys were the last off the production line, they would have had the last of the engines.

It's not like they dyno'ed 1000 engines, and picked the best 500 of them.

Oh dear, I can't seem to say this enough, EVO are wrong, Jeremy Townsend has said that Renault name the cars after bhp! The 225, 230, 172, 182, 230, 255 and 197 are all named after the claimed output of the engines in brake horse-power and not PS (Pferdestärke - which is German for horse-power) the unit favoured by German manfacurers and Ford (where most Eurpoean Fords are made in Germany).

Not that 2 bhp or PS matters, but this is the official line anyway.

They didn't hand pick engines - this is bull. Can't be clearer than that!


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
sm_wrc said:
182ps which means around 178-179bhp, but this is a dyno figure, with nothing attached to the engine to draw power off it.

As for the hand picked engine story. It's a myth, cos if you remember that the Trophys were the last off the production line, they would have had the last of the engines.

It's not like they dyno'ed 1000 engines, and picked the best 500 of them.

yeh it's a workbench figure also, realistically without knowing what the results of the RR's are for un fettled 182's I'd be thinking aroud the 135/140 mark (at the wheels).


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
Steve Gunnis said:
[quote="sm_wrc":2jcuzotd]182ps which means around 178-179bhp, but this is a dyno figure, with nothing attached to the engine to draw power off it.

As for the hand picked engine story. It's a myth, cos if you remember that the Trophys were the last off the production line, they would have had the last of the engines.

It's not like they dyno'ed 1000 engines, and picked the best 500 of them.

Oh dear, I can't seem to say this enough, EVO are wrong, Jeremy Townsend has said that Renault name the cars after bhp! The 225, 230, 172, 182, 230, 255 and 197 are all named after the claimed output of the engines in brake horse-power and not PS (Pferdestärke - which is German for horse-power) the unit favoured by German manfacurers and Ford (where most Eurpoean Fords are made in Germany).

Not that 2 bhp or PS matters, but this is the official line anyway.

They didn't hand pick engines - this is bull. Can't be clearer than that![/quote:2jcuzotd]

that would make sence but I'm certain i've read that it's PS not BHP. Will be hunting this out.... oh wait, it could have been evo...... :oops:

Logical thinking means the french are not going to conform to German principles.... so BHP it is :)
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty scary to think that at a Bugatti Veryon rolling road test in Germany recently, they got a figure not far short of 1000PS at the wheels! Meaning with the not insubstantial losses to the hefty 4WD system and gargantuan gearbox the engine must dyno a lot more than the claimed 1001PS.
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
Cue said:
Steve Gunnis said:
[quote="sm_wrc":g68qc8a3]182ps which means around 178-179bhp, but this is a dyno figure, with nothing attached to the engine to draw power off it.

As for the hand picked engine story. It's a myth, cos if you remember that the Trophys were the last off the production line, they would have had the last of the engines.

It's not like they dyno'ed 1000 engines, and picked the best 500 of them.

Oh dear, I can't seem to say this enough, EVO are wrong, Jeremy Townsend has said that Renault name the cars after bhp! The 225, 230, 172, 182, 230, 255 and 197 are all named after the claimed output of the engines in brake horse-power and not PS (Pferdestärke - which is German for horse-power) the unit favoured by German manfacurers and Ford (where most Eurpoean Fords are made in Germany).

Not that 2 bhp or PS matters, but this is the official line anyway.

They didn't hand pick engines - this is bull. Can't be clearer than that!

that would make sence but I'm certain i've read that it's PS not BHP. Will be hunting this out.... oh wait, it could have been evo...... :oops:

Logical thinking means the french are not going to conform to German principles.... so BHP it is :)[/quote:g68qc8a3]

PS is not even a lawful unit anymore.

I prefer the SAE hp measurement that the Yanks used, that is the confirmed and approved measurement of horsepower of an engine that takes into account powertrain losses.

The term brake horsepower (bhp) refers to the 'brake band' that some dynameters used to use, that measured torque at the output shaft of the engine and multiplied it by engine speed and a constant (5252 - 33,000/2Pi) to gain a power output figure.

Most interestingly, PS is a unit that should only be used to describe the output at the wheels of an automobile, whereas bhp by it's very definition is the output at the output shaft of an engine. So to measure 'at the wheels' figures in bhp (which we do all the time) is incorrect, similarly (and the press/manafacturers are to blame here as much as the layman) PS should never describe the dyno output of an engine, but it nearly always does - like the Focus ST with it's 225PS or the Bugatti Veryon with it's 1001PS, these are marketed as at the engine figures, but the unit applies to at the wheels.

Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Cambridge Uk
Steve Said"
"Oh - on the 'hand-picked' urban legend, all I can say is 'what a crock!'

"Hey Antoine, this F4R unit looks particularly racey, put it in Le Trophie." They were just the last 552 F4R's off the line. Nice idea though"

I havent laughed out load at ClioTrophy in a while but that was quality.

Funny stuff. :lol:
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
wigstar1 said:
I havent laughed out load at ClioTrophy in a while but that was quality.
Funny stuff. :lol:

I very nearly posted exactly the same thing when I first read that. Not since the days of the now infamous KingStromba fact... But that always ended with wanting to headbutt someone! It is nice this doesn't :D