Yeah i think i have two now, one i got when i went in to look and test drive the car, and there was one in the documents pack. Not much on them though, all the info can be taken from the web, the only bonus is the video can be watched in full screen.
Was looking at car brochures though, i used to collect them, and have a few nice ones, Audi and Merc always send out quality brochures and these are being sold on ebay for tenners. I think i will give up my job and sell brochures on ebay all day.
Its amazing what people will sell (try and sell), even more amazing what some will buy.
I didn't get one! So i rang and questioned the dealer the when i picked it up! Hey Presto. 2 turned up in the post a week later! Wonder who might have been keepin those back to sell on ebay! :?:
Whent the first bacth of those disks went onto ebay, they were selling for about £5 and some of them were even copies.