Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
Arundel, West Sussex. BN180DF
Wouldn't it be better to buy MCoupes car than come and drive mine first! Or come and buy one of my cars and I'll work out something on the price for no p/x. I have a couple of lovely one owner cars, one is already prepped and you won't find better, it's beautiful condition.


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
i'll try to not be biased.... my 2p worth.

Every car i've owned has had some sort of 'fault' whether it be mechanical or just something that i felt was a short cut by the mftr... this has included M3's, toyota's, amongst others...

i bought mine from brand new as i wanted a small car for the wife to drive yet something i could enjoy.

After driving it back from the stealers i decided to sell my 330Ci and keep the Trophy for my self.

The fact that Evo put it up against the M6 as nothing else in it's catagory could match it's ability tells it's own story.

Of course you expect a car that sold brand new for only £15k to be done on a shoe string, the two front dampers make up 20% of this figure themselves, then add in the seats and you start realising why the car has been described as the 'the bargain of the century'

I've not had any major niggles over the 2.5 years and 20+K miles. Other than needing a new exhaust due to dealer error/not listening to me i'd say it's been trouble free driving.

The only caution i would pass on to you is the reno dealership network. Some have possitive stories but my tale is nothing but negative. Stay clear of them, pick a good independant specialst and you'll be fine.

You needent worry if the car has been tracked - most of the owners i've met on track know how to look after a car and the majority have had no expence spared. A much better bet than a car owned by a 'housewife that's only ever been to the shops and back' (no offence to anyone, just a typical sales ploy)

just make sure that the service schedules have been adhered to and if you see the book stamped by ren-tech, RS murray, yozzasport, angleworks etc then all the better.

Whatever you go for, just make sure you enjoy it, responsibly ;) nothing pound for pound will come close to giving you the same smile, that's my honest opinion (i'm not a renault lover either, i just speak from experience.)
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
artdealer is it on your website ????

if not can you send me some pics please


where abouts are you ?