Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
So why was this thread deleted? I'm guessing that his visits last night were to fire off some threatening PM's. Pretty lame that the forum folded so easily, disappointing.
May 7, 2006
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What happens last night? Seen there had been developments from the original thread from last year yesterday but missed the evening show:(
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
No shenanigans at all and the thread was tame in comparison to the original.
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
And I guess he clearly has nothing better to do with his time than trawl forums for threads criticising his sad car reviews.
Aug 1, 2013
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1st post - started looking for a Trophy after the latest Evo review, saw this guy's youtube searching on Trophy & was absolutely stunned.

Have never ever let people drive my cars & this is proof why you shouldn't..

I'm guessing the thread was deleted because of the threat to go to WD. :eek:

^ My views & not the views of the forum - privately though I'd love to do something about him too.

Great ( & very exclusive) forum btw. :up::D


ClioTrophy Moderator
Feb 19, 2008
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Trophy No.
Guys, as already suggested the previous thread has been moved for now due to a number of posts being reported, these were on the grounds of 'internet trolling', 'cyber bullying', inciting hate crimes' and posting personal images without owners permission.
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
It appears Gatwick Car Parkers is no longer a member?

I suspect new members do not appear on the list for a day or so, perhaps he should just be banned for crimes against auto journalism, internet trolling, inciting hate etc etc.............
Jul 7, 2009
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I'm on a club msv trackday at the end of the month with EVO, I might mention his reviews, see what they think to them.


ClioTrophy Club Member
Nov 26, 2010
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Guys, as already suggested the previous thread has been moved for now due to a number of posts being reported, these were on the grounds of 'internet trolling', 'cyber bullying', inciting hate crimes' and posting personal images without owners permission.

You are clearly having a laugh ?

Posting images that are already on the internet for millions of people to see and all over a public website thats on a google search.
If he did not want his mug posted he should not be doing the following.

A) using peoples cars to road test
B) having his website public
C) posting his face over the internet

He has over 300+ videos on youtube with alot of them showing his face and who he exactly is and i'm sure there was not 300+ people that gave there consent to having there cars ragged on public highways.
The more i think about the more im happy to call watchdog on this clown !!
Aug 5, 2013
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Well, well, well....what do we have here? possibly the biggest collection of Clio driving snitches ever in one single place. You really should all get a life.
As for the forum user MarcR, well all I can say is you must be up to something completely wrong judging by the amount of smear you are trying to spread about me..........why dont we talk about your crimes hey?...what are your crimes MarkR?

First of all, let me explain a few ground truths as you are all clearly living in a box.
No customers cars are used in any Youtube videos, I own a price comparison website and do not get to drive our customers cars.
The Cars featured are not ragged and have never been, a 0 to 60 test is a standard car test conducted by every single car manufacturer in the past several decades. If the cars featured were left wheel spinning up the road like in Fast & Furious then you may have a point but you dont.
I would suggest you all take a long look at yourselves and remember an old classic saying that went something like about ....he who hath no sin, cast the first stone.
At the end of the day what we have here is a Youtube video about a car and features the opinion of one person out of 8.2 billion on the planet. If you dont agree with the opinion...fine, then move along.
The real problem here is that you are all unable to hear something negative about a car you obviously like so much that you have joined this forum.
I would suggest you first off all get your facts right and secondly ask yourselves why you are obsessed about what another man is up I say what are your crimes?
Finally, the best thing you can all do apart from growing up and getting a life is to make your own car reviews about the Clio Trophy but lets face it, I think I had it all covered in mine and now it would appear I have the driver type covered too.
Really chaps....get a life and grow some thumbs!
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Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
In addition, please do contact BBC & Watchdog etc as it would do my website SEO things webmasters can only dream about.
As far as image posting goes, they are all copyrighted, you dont have permission to use them...simples.
However, if MarkR wants a signed copy I'll see what I can do.
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ClioTrophy Club Member
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
Oh the mole is out the hole.
I will try and keep this as brief as possible and try to make sure that i don't upset forum users or in this case "User" too much.

Firstly i would appreciate if you could spell my name correctly even though you have this in front of you and yet you have managed to do it correctly once you then get sloppy (just like your car reviews).

One of the first things you say which is "possibly the biggest collection of Clio driving snitches ever in one single place. You really should all get a life."

If you are saying that we are the biggest collection of clio snitches in one single place surly this means you have done something wrong in the first place for us to snitch on you ?
If you are saying that we should also get a life surly a small number of clio snitche's (as you call us) should not bother you and that you would be the bigger man and walk away from a small group of us.

You then go on to say we should talk about my crimes, this would tell me that you are committing a crime and that you are trying to turn the table on to me. You can do as much research on me all you want and browse the internet as much as you like and you wont find me taking peoples cars out and posting videos of them.

You say that you own a price comparison website and do not get to drive your customers cars.
Can i ask at what point is a price comparison website got anything to do with the fact you have 300+ youtube videos with you driving a number of different cars which clearly advertise gatwick car parking.

You wont see sergi the meerkat driving a large number of cars and doing 0-60 times in a built up area (which I'm lead to believe is more than likely a 30mph speed limit)

You have also said "a 0 to 60 test is a standard car test conducted by every single car manufacturer in the past several decades" I am maybe being silly here but i don't see Honda, Renault, Nissan Vauxhall or BMW taking there production cars and doing a standard 0-60 on a public open road, Im going to suggest that millbrook is more than likely where these cars get tested in the Uk.

You then go on to say "I would suggest you first off all get your facts right and secondly ask yourselves why you are obsessed about what another man is up to" It seems to be that you are clearly contradicting yourself as you seem to be obsessed with what a small group of snitches (Your word) is up too and what we are saying on a forum.

You then once again go on to talk about my crimes yet again and i would love to see what these crimes are and if you can pin something on me then go ahead.

"Finally, the best thing you can all do apart from growing up and getting a life is to make your own car reviews about the Clio Trophy but lets face it, I think I had it all covered in mine and now it would appear I have the driver type covered too.
Really chaps....get a life and grow some thumbs!"

I love the fact that we have to grow up and get a life but yet it was a grown business man that felt the need to jump online and fuel the fire even more on a car forum that would properly have been forgotten in a week or so.

Now as i learned in the line of business and its been so true that 1 bad comment can spread like wild fire and that one comment can turn into 10 comments and they 10 comments can turn into 20 in no time at all.

Unless you are a trader with a lot of turn over in cars or a garage owner i find it very very hard to believe that a comparison website would allow you to have this much access to that amount of cars and the fact that you sit with a orange hi-viz vest with your company logo plastered all over your youtube channel says to me that these cars are airport transfers as the videos seem to be taken day and night.

Oh and as for the picture why don't you sue me !!
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
If MarcR doesn't want the signed picture can i have it ?? With your permmision of course.

Thumbs :up: :up: