Hi all iv just made myself a member after buying a clio trophy at the weekend
and iv had a clio 172 cup and 182 in the past and i can honestly say the trophy is a awesome car and iv had some cars :lol:
Hi mate i will do i just find the trophy alot nicer to drive from the 172 cup and the 182 because im 6' 1" and with the recaros it feels so much betterkeo said:Hi mate i replied to your other thread becasue i didnt see this one, enjoy the t
Thanks and yh iv worked my way up allways loved the trophy since it first came out but could never afford one but now i have a good job i could and with them been alot cheaper then they were when they came out i thought it was time to buy one and i can say it was worth the waitBoroGTI said:welcome budyou have some experience with clios then, i like the way you've worked ya way up gradually