Let’s hope so15 - 20k
What’s your opinion Nick?
A good example ?
Valid point by Ed , and others. Lacking of mechanical evidence? Perhaps the engine isn’t included?
I’m keen to see this one end , looks like all Renault history too
This looks a great car that's got an impeccable service history to be proud of - however I do find it strange that there is no Mechanical images at all which is a great shame -
Also a little pet hate is the dreaded missing front bumper sticker's that cost very little but make a big differance in the attention to detail.
I'll really look forward to watching this and I hope it rings the bell
Just backed ups your comment/request Andrew. It would be great to see some more pics of this car.I shall ask the obvious……
Give me a minute , I fancy …..
Actually I got an Auto Trader alert for this going on sale 2 or 3 weeks ago and looked to see its history on the register and it was not listed. I was going to post about it and when I went to link to the ad it had been removed already!I had faith Ed in your post's - it's finally here - #489 coming soon.
Actually I got an Auto Trader alert for this going on sale 2 or 3 weeks ago and looked to see its history on the register and it was not listed. I was going to post about it and when I went to link to the ad it had been removed already!
They wanted £15k for it which I thought was a great price for a 50k in good condition so it will be interesting to see if it reaches that. I think it will unless the market has really dropped.
I guess CC have people scouring the classifieds for low mileage cars that fit their site and persuade the owners to list with them instead using the no fees for the seller incentive
It takes seconds to lift the bonnet and take a photograph, even just one ?
The ramp comment seems a little faint hearted, when someone says “ il try “ then we all know that’s a no.
But doesn’t need to be on a ramp, just some engine bay photos and under side with a glimpse of the Sachs would be nice