i installed a senic shifter on 66 today with a quaife style nylon knob. i did some tatting on the shifter before installing this included transplanting the internals from a new 182 shifter to the senic shifter and also adding the bend on the shaft to position towards the driver (with the help of a propane torch), i also added a brass bush to the bottom of the shifter this helped with keeping the shift stiff on the up and down movement. The shifter has the same throw as before but makes a huge improvement when driving spiritedly. by having it closer to the wheel.
Next is to get the plastic bush on the box to tighten up the sideways movement when in gear but so far so good. anyone else played around with shifters and whats the experience been?
Also thoughts and opinions on modifications away from oem ? im new to the trophy world and am experimenting but making sure to keep everything reversible if i have a change of heart