Is there anyway I can check the effectiveness of the dampners once they are off the car? Obviously I know to check for misting on the units, though should they be pretty solid if I try to move them by hand?
As above really. My nearside was knackered and the piston would actually drop under its own weight when off the car (lots of sloshing around as above too) Also, I think the external reservoir would sit closer to the "bridge" that connects it to the main damper body as opposed to the 3/4mm gap when they are healthy. Any misting is obviously not cool! When the gator is taken off have a look at the visible piston to see the condition of that. Mine was visibly scored above the seal (under the gator) and needed replacing.
I shall have a look, guy took them off and replaced them with coilovers for ze lows apparently. Though obviously I'm keen to putthe sachs back on if they're in good order.
Yep, that's pretty knackered. First time my damper went, the reservoir was even more loose than that. This time round the reservoir didn't move, still has the 5mm gap, but the piston moves under it's own weight and you can hear the oil (whats left in it) sloshing around when you move the piston.