Company Car Schemes

Dec 14, 2006
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I'm sure that in the past there has been discussion on company cars, however, I performed a quick search and couldn't find anything.

There's a possibility that my job could move and I would not want to drive the Trophy daily, so would push for a company car (Keep the Trophy as a weekend toy.. which is pretty much what it is atm anyway!). My question is, can anyone enlighten me on the schemes that exist? - I seem to remember hearing that in some instances, companies give you an allowance, equal to the value that they would have paid on their scheme, and they allow you to choose your own car instead, is this correct? I would love a 123d msport, but I somehow doubt that this is a realistic wish.. But if I could get an allowance from the company and pick one up secondhand, that's more realistic.. 8)



May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
how longs a piece of string would be simpler - there's loads of different ways companies and employees operate 'company cars now'

what suits you will depend on your annual mileage, the split between personal and business miles, the car you'll be driving, it's age, your income bracket - i.e sub 40% tax and the equivalent monetary value of the car for your P11d, plus a couple of of other factors.

The best one i've come across is Royal & Sun Alliances. There you effectively lease the car off the company, with them subsidising the cost of the lease. After the end of the term you can either purchase the car outright for a nominal value or change is for a newer car and continue the arrangement. All servicing, maintenance costs are taken care of etc. And it doesn't go against your income as is run as a private purchase.

My mate's just got a new BMW 3 series diesel and only pays something like £200 a month all in.

Where as I know of others that get stung something chronic because their company still operates the traditional car scheme where the company will buy the car and just give it you for a certain length of time or mileage.