Being Allergic To Nuts



Bloody hell, this is a s**t thing to have.

Went to Subway this morning for a delightful Subway Club (which was actually very nice) and I got a cookie and drink included in the price. Wonderful, I thought, until i noticed on the packet of the cookie that it may contain traces of nuts. Now, I know full well that I'm allergic to nuts, but often things say they may contain traces just so the manufacturers can cover themselves. Not so this time, it would seem.
I ignored the (what would now appear to be very sensible) words of, "Don't eat that, David, it's probably not a good idea" from my girlfriend and ate the cookie anyway. It was bloody nice and it didn't taste of nuts, so I thought all was well.

I got back into the Trophy (this is a Trophy forum after all!) and began to drive home. As I got fairly near I began to feel rather unwell, and started to become aware of the all-too-familiar feelings of having my chest go tight. The area around my eyes also started to swell up (something which has never happened to me before, but the allergy is getting worse as I get older), and by the time I got home I felt really horrible. I decided to go to casualty and hoped they would give me some adrenalin or something, but by the time I was seen the symptoms had started to subside. People knock the NHS, but it was damned efficient for me today. I'm sure the A&E staff would have much rather been somewhere else (as would of I!) on a sunny Saturday afternoon, but everyone I came into contact with was most pleasant to deal with. The nurses especially were lovely.

Anyway, that's my ranting over for today. I hate being allergic to 'em - it's so bloody inconvenient, and it feels awful. The last time I ended up in casualty (around five years ago) the doctor said to me that next time it'll be much worse. It seems he was right. I'm so angry at myself for being so stupid and needlessly worrying those I love, but that's hindsight for you, I guess!

Considering the cookie didn't actually have any actual nuts in it is actually quite concerning; I really don't know what would happen if I happened to eat an actual nut. I'd probably be a bit dead, actually. Bugger.
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
North Essex
My brother is allergic to nuts, and my girlfriend is allergic to pepper. Both normally found in many foods. They both have eppie pens. I'm just waiting for the day i get to stab either of them in the heart.
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
An ex collague was also allergic to nuts. He steered clear of anything that said it may contain traces of nut, but would chance it if it said "made in a factory where nut products are handled".

Last time he ate nut by accident they were about to send out the air ambulance to collect him!
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Not a nice reaction at all. Allergies suck.

My friends dad survived the Arnhem landings as a paratrooper on D-Day, to live another 50 years, then got stung by a bee and died.

ducks butt said:
My brother is allergic to nuts, and my girlfriend is allergic to pepper. Both normally found in many foods. They both have eppie pens. I'm just waiting for the day i get to stab either of them in the heart.

Pulp Fiction style :?: :shock: :?:


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
i'm gutted for you, you'll never be able to taste the glorious delicacy that is peanut butter and marmite on toast :)

I've got a theory that it's city life that causes allergies, build up of pollutants in your system from a young age.

It's only my friends that have lived in built up areas that have allergies - I only noticed getting hay fever when i moved to birmingham.


I live in rural Essex, so that's your theory shot. :lol: :p

I can remember the way peanut butter tastes from when I was little, and yes, it was damn nice. :lol: