Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
guys, that is awesome, I am so so impressed with you and touched that you would make the effort. :D


Miracles do happen - going to collect the car this afternoon, apparently the part arrived yesterday and was fitted and it now works!! they are valetting it and I am getting it in about an hour - I am so so so soo excited after driving a 72 bhp clio rip curl i cannot wait to get behind the wheel again - I just hope it is all ok after months sitting out in the cold.

The whole experience has been terrible but thank goodness it is nearly over. The flow of information has been very poor hence I had no idea that i would be getting it back this week but it was a nice surprise to say the least.

Thanks for all the advice and words or encouragement over the last 6 months. I will start a new thread when I have driven it and have seen for myself that it is in one piece and works. watch this space..............


May 18, 2006
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Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
good god, i didn't know the threat of us collaborating would work sooo well soooo quickly.

Fingers crossed [-o<
Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Essex for my sins.
I can't believe that it has taken them this long to sort the problem out, All this cr@p that they dont have the correct wiring loom for the Trophy is a joke, this must mean that when ever an issue like this arises for eaither the 172/182Cup/182FF and the Trophy which I am sure will and has happend the owners are expected to wait for the part to be sourced and sent.

Its a great shame that the Renault name is let down by utter disregard to its customers. I have had two Clios in the past 6 Years, my parents have also had two Sciencs over the years and my brother has just purchased a new Clio 1.4. On each occasion the sales guys have been amazing, but no sooner have we handed the cash over they turn into little sh1ts and dont give a dam after you have taken the keys.

The day I collected my Trophy I did the normal checking everything over with a fine tooth comb, straight away I noticed that they had tried to touch up the drivers door sill but had used the undcoat as opposed the the Capcicum red. The wheel was scratched, the seat had marks on it and there was a bit of paint missing from under the rear window. In the end it took them over 2 months to sort the problems out, this is after I took it to Ren UK and wrote a letter to the dealership.

If it wasnt for the Trophy and the way it makes me smile when I drive it, I would not be driving any form of Renault now. Since then my car has never gone back to a dealer for servicing, the only time I will ever take it back is when (touch wood) any warranty work is needed.

I am glad that you have got the car back, hope everything is working well and you have had a good blast on the good ol scottish roads.


May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
I second all of this, it's the second reno that i've owned - had a 172 for 3 months before deciding it needed updating. What amazes me is how the entire car network is all about selling and not about keeping customers.

I'd had a couple of BMW's previous to the Reno's and the difference I'd noticed over the previous 3-4 years in their network was amazing - in a decling sence. That's not to say that Reno's is shocklingly bad.

If you don't stomp and shout you don't get anywhere with them. Once the warrenty expires i'm not going anywhere near them.
Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Essex for my sins.
I have a close family friend who owns an Aston Martin, and even he has said that in the past 25years of owning cars, customer service has dropped to an all time low, he can recall buying his first brand new car which belive it or not was a Rover.

He would take the car back for regular services and ever time he went he would leave the keys with the dealer, and be given a lift to work, his car would be serviced, cleaned, and droped off to him at work looking like it did when he bought it.

Even though he owns a year old Aston, the last time he took it to the dealer, he was made to get a taxi into town, and when he got back and handed the money over for the service they made him turn the car around in a tiny forecourt, next to cars in which total well in excess of a £million. The car had greasy finger prints on it and was not cleaned at all.

So its not just Renault, we just hear more about them as we own the cars. Still my feelings about the serivce Renault offer after the sales stands its RUBBISH.