Hi @Mossyv6 As far as I am aware it is still available from Renault. I bought one 6-8 weeks ago. Let me know if it is NLA and I will look to get it reproduced as well.
I've been advised the order has gone to print and I should receive them end next week. Once I have them, and I'm happy they are OK I will let everyone know so that you can pay.
The current list of those who would like to order is as below
1. DaveS
2. Paul Morris
3. SharkyUK
4. Mark (x2)
5. Pete oconnor(x2)
6. Jules (Hoolio) I may have two
7. Dablk (x2)
8. BigDave
9. BenG
10. Englebert
11. Gambit (x3)
Hi @DaveS... I sent payment a few days ago?!?! :smile:
EDIT: Ignore... my PayPal account is locked. Not sure what's going on so give me a day or two to contact PayPal. Still interested though and will definitely pay!