For those who like me to keep them in the loop with my foray into Tegs here's the current stock / due in:
2001 (Y) Buy A TEG Plate! Championship White C Pack Red Recaros. Superb Throughout Recent service and MOT. Undersealed. 38000m £11995
2005/55 Facelift Model. Black 1200 miles only! Stunning car, probably one of the latest cars on the market in the new Honda F1 colour too
Just being ESVA and Reg'd Undersealed etc. £16995 (interior tbc)
Due in. 2005/05 Facelift Model. Championship White Red Recaros. 5807 miles £15995
2001 (Y) Buy A TEG Plate! Championship White C Pack Red Recaros. Superb Throughout Recent service and MOT. Undersealed. 38000m £11995
2005/55 Facelift Model. Black 1200 miles only! Stunning car, probably one of the latest cars on the market in the new Honda F1 colour too
Due in. 2005/05 Facelift Model. Championship White Red Recaros. 5807 miles £15995