High Performance Carbon/Aluminium Intake Manifold for 172/182

May 7, 2015
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Hi! I didn't noticed introduction thread, so I hope I can introduce myself here.
I am car enthusiast just like yourself, and last few months I've been developing
performance intake manifold for our Clio. It will fit both 172/182 models.

Goal was to create the best intake manifold for Clio 172/182 currently available on the market for reasonable price.

I stumbled upon idea when I wanted to tune engine in my Clio 172 ph.1 but wasn't able to find ANY intake manifold except JMS RS2 which is way too expensive for it's purpose - so I decided to make my own. Better and cheaper version of it.

Manifold is almost completed, I say it will be completed in max. 2 weeks, if not before.
My Clio will serve as a test car, although it is cammed recently (PiperCams), and it does have other modifications it will serve well as test bench.

Alongside most obvious - power and torque gain, there are other advantages compared to standard inlet. First and most rewarding is free access to spark plugs. If you ever wanted to check your condition of cables or color of plugs - you know how hard is to get it.

Flange and runners are made from aluminium and welded together and whole manifold without plenum will be submerged in special plastic mass for protection and slight reduction in intake temperature. Plenum is made from 3 layers of carbon fiber. There will be an option to pick cheaper fiberglass instead. Entire manifold could be done in color that you want. And colors at our disposal are
-Midnight Black
-Alien Green
+ any combination of these colors. Example: Midnight Black Flange/Runners, and Red Plenum.
*** There will be 3 Option for runner diameter (48mm, 49mm and 50mm /1.889inch, 1.929inch and 1.9685inch respectively)
and few option for runner lenght (you would need to state if you car have air cond.) maximum runner lenght that can fit with aircon
with 3mm PTFE gasket(see below) is 15.5cm (6.1inch). If you do wish larger, we can provide but must be stated before.

-Silicone hose to connect throttle body to air filter
-Velocity stack with simplest dust protection, to ensure maximum inflow of fresh air trough manifold.
-ALSO KIT contains PTFE (Teflon) 3mm (0.12inch) gasket. 3mm will reduce quite few percent IAT and prevent temp. bleed from head to manifold much better than std. gasket. I have currently on my standard intake manifold 1.5mm PTFE and you CAN NOT fit any thicker or manifold will not fit! But with this manifold you can choose whatever thickness you want/need up to 6mm(0.24inch), and impact on performance(temp bleed) with 6mm PTFE gasket compared to std...I can't even imagine.

Will depend on options, color,runner diameter etc. but estimated for now is:
price for complete kit 699L(Carbon), and lowest would be 569L(Fiberglass) just for intake itself.

It is very ungrateful to talk about gains until it's dyno tested and proven on the road. But my guesstimate is over >10BHP(with re-map). Manifold is designed in such way that significantly increase air flow and air velocity. I wanted to merge low rpm high velocity with high rpm big flow. Something that you can only find in ITB setup. In less than 2 weeks, this will be finished product, with all figures/characteristics known, so let's us see - I am as curious as you are!

You can expect pictures any time soon.
May 7, 2015
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Thank you all for support. I am now spreading out the "word" , and I'll keep you updated on everything.
May 7, 2015
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Update: Cyclops intake manifold - completed. I expect testing results next week.

Here are some pics:





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Jul 27, 2006
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Ok, so similar to the JMS unit but with longer runners? Does that mean you will need to remove the slam panel and install bonnet pins?

Edit: Actually they look the same length, but the question still stands.
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May 7, 2015
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hoolio, what you see in pics is maximum runner length you can fit without loosing slam panel or aircon. Yes, they are very similar by design, but not same. I wanted to create improved JMS for 1/2 price, so I did it.
May 7, 2015
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I have the results:
Thursday early morning we went for Zagreb, and arrived 11 o'clock for dyno sesion.
First we did run with standard intake manifold + BMC CDA. And here is the video, and results bellow in pdf:
I was pleased with results, since I expected around 165 Hp, and it scored 170.6 hp with peak somewhere between 6000-6500 rpm,
and 204.6Nm (150.9 lb-ft) @ expected 5500 rpm. You can see in graph bellow, that there are 2 lines - mine is red one and he probably forgot to delete green one.

Half hour later, friend of mine showed up for dyno, on my call, so we can compare torque and Hp curves.
This is his run (graphs bellow in pdf under yellow 172):

His car showed 178 Hp, and it is 8 Hp more than mine, producing 209 Nm(154.15 lb-ft)
Car as stock produced 163 Hp, since then he port & polished intake, removed middle silencer, catalytic converter and had it re-mapped - and gained 15 Hp more.

Now, we went for lunch, and left Clio to cool down so we can swap manifolds.
After replacing stock manifold for Cyclops manifold, it was already too late for dyno, so we made appointment morning next day.
Friday 8:40 AM we came and took 2 runs with Cyclops without re-map, and here is the video of both runs:
1st run:
and 2nd run:
You can notice graph goes only until 6500 rpm, this is because he (dyno guy) didn't want to slam into rev limiter,
so he let go throttle at 6700-6800 rpm, and program counts for every 500 rpm, and this is why there is blank after 6500rpm.

After dyno, we went to for AFR log:
Since guy wasn't able to connect it trough my OBD2 port, we were forced to use old school put it near rpm dial and at least
see if there is enough fuel:

It looks like moving IAT sensor away from manifold into silicone hose - just for precaution was good idea, since ecu will send more fuel,
thus making mixture richer and I wanted that since I am running my car on dyno on std map @ full throttle.

Entire Friday we spent searching decent mapper, since 2 of them wasn't able to read map trough OBD2. We have finally found our guy
in late evening, and he did marvelous job. He adjusted ignition angles and few other bits. Previously I've read my torque graph and came to
conclusion that I can make good use of intake cam advancement in high rpm, so I told him to advance my intake cam up to 7000+ rpm, so
my torque might keep on rising even past 6500 rpm, when usually intake cam is retarded to 0. Later in the night I made first test ride, with
new intake manifold and remap, and oh my oh my I was so happy - I still am! Here you can see Tibor - guy who I admire for doing such a great
work on my Clio, and you can see also velocity stack that we made to work with conjunction with Cyclops manifold. It is grind-ed out from 5.75Kg(12.67 pounds) Aluminium billet.



Saturday I spent analyzing graphs and making few adjustments with guys on my Clio.

And conclusion:
Car before and after is 2 worlds apart. I can't describe to you how it feels to gain 30 maybe 40 hp in basically 1 day. Car is sharp on throttle now,
but that wasn't the case before remap, it pulls insanely good once passed 6500 rpm. I feels like VTEC after 6500 and it doesn't let go until cam is retarded back to 0. I am going next week for final test after remap, since we had to return home and there just wasn't enough time.

All I can say is that I am happiest man now, and if it shows anything less than 200 HP I will be very disappointed.


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Jun 13, 2017
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This thread abruptly disappeared like the crew of the Mary Celeste! What happened megane16v? Did you get over 200HP or what? Did the Cyclops Intake ever get produced and distributed?


ClioTrophy Club Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Wales, UK
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This thread abruptly disappeared like the crew of the Mary Celeste! What happened megane16v? Did you get over 200HP or what? Did the Cyclops Intake ever get produced and distributed?
This is an old thread / post hence I don't think the guy is likely to post a reply.

I'm not sure the final result but a genuine 200bhp is going to require more than just an intake manifold like this one. The F4R are incredibly fickle and incredibly difficult to extract additional N/A power from. These units sometimes come up on ebay (or the similar JMS / RS2 unit) and are more about providing a good spread of torque and power rather pub-talk peak values :)