Debate time: What's best - 182 Trophy or V6?

Feb 12, 2017
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
Let the debate begin!!!

There's lots of arguments as to which of these are the better car. Let's see what we all think.

Personally, as much as I like the Trophy and I know it'll smoke a V6 on everything but a straight line, I'd say the V6 is the best package overall in terms.


ClioTrophy Club Member
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Wales, UK
Trophy No.
No argument from me on this debate... they are both amazing cars. However, for me personally, the 182 Trophy is the better car.


I loved the V6. Properly, properly loved it. More so than [probably] any other car I've experienced. The noise, the drama, the conversation that would ensue with those familiar with the car and, more often than not, those who were not familiar with the V6. I drove it daily for a year whilst my Trophy was having work done and not a single day went by where I did not look forward to using it. I often looked for excuses to take it out in fact. Sure, it ate coils for fun, but - I'll say it again - the drama it provided when driving it was immense. Whilst not the quickest car ever it wasn't too shabby in terms of performance. It certainly needed respect (there were a couple of moments I had where luck skill kicked-in at just the right time) and I did get stuck in the work car park when we had about 1.5 inches of snow... Everyone I knew in m car club and, largely, circle of friends all developed a soft-spot for it and were always happy to jump in for a ride.


For me, the real joy is in the driving and the V6 just did not quite cut it in terms of pure and unadulterated driving thrills. I did not track it (although the option was there for me to!) but I did join up with @Claude and friends for a Wales drive a few years back. Despite pushing on (whilst remaining fully aware of the interesting V6 handling dynamics) there was no way I could keep up with the RS Clios and Civic Type-R. They were so much more capable covering the ground across the B-roads and from point-to-point. I was fine on the straights but show it a few bends (especially the tighter ones) and I was left wanting. It was great being able to plant the foot and hear the V6 roar to catch up though when the road next afforded me the opportunity...

So yes, for me it's about the driving and having the right 'tool' for the job. And that is unashamedly the Trophy. It's an amazing little car. Even though I've had my (un)fair share of ups and downs with it I still think it's great and have yet to find a car that offers the levels of thrills and driving enjoyment it offers. Light, nimble, fun, decent performance, well-respected, capable... what's not to love? :) For that reason, the Trophy is my #1.

There are a few folks here with both V6 and Trophy I suspect... :) Maybe... :p
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
Torbay in Devon
Trophy No.
Really good read that SharkyUK, have only ever seen the V6 but never had the pleasure of a trip out in one so cannot comment on the ride and characteristics of the car. Visually the V6 cuts it for me as they look so different and almost 'stand out from the crowd' as the Trophy looks too similar to the other Clio's due to its more subtle extras over another RS (other than the colour!).
Feb 16, 2007
Reaction score
Trophy No.
No argument from me on this debate... they are both amazing cars. However, for me personally, the 182 Trophy is the better car.


I loved the V6. Properly, properly loved it. More so than [probably] any other car I've experienced. The noise, the drama, the conversation that would ensue with those familiar with the car and, more often than not, those who were not familiar with the V6. I drove it daily for a year whilst my Trophy was having work done and not a single day went by where I did not look forward to using it. I often looked for excuses to take it out in fact. Sure, it ate coils for fun, but - I'll say it again - the drama it provided when driving it was immense. Whilst not the quickest car ever it wasn't too shabby in terms of performance. It certainly needed respect (there were a couple of moments I had where luck skill kicked-in at just the right time) and I did get stuck in the work car park when we had about 1.5 inches of snow... Everyone I knew in m car club and, largely, circle of friends all developed a soft-spot for it and were always happy to jump in for a ride.


For me, the real joy is in the driving and the V6 just did not quite cut it in terms of pure and unadulterated driving thrills. I did not track it (although the option was there for me to!) but I did join up with @Claude and friends for a Wales drive a few years back. Despite pushing on (whilst remaining fully aware of the interesting V6 handling dynamics) there was no way I could keep up with the RS Clios and Civic Type-R. They were so much more capable covering the ground across the B-roads and from point-to-point. I was fine on the straights but show it a few bends (especially the tighter ones) and I was left wanting. It was great being able to plant the foot and hear the V6 roar to catch up though when the road next afforded me the opportunity...

So yes, for me it's about the driving and having the right 'tool' for the job. And that is unashamedly the Trophy. It's an amazing little car. Even though I've had my (un)fair share of ups and downs with it I still think it's great and have yet to find a car that offers the levels of thrills and driving enjoyment it offers. Light, nimble, fun, decent performance, well-respected, capable... what's not to love? :smile: For that reason, the Trophy is my #1.

There are a few folks here with both V6 and Trophy I suspect... :smile: Maybe... :tongueout:

Very interesting to read your views as I have always wondered how the two compare as I have never had the opportunity to drive a V6. The Trophy certainly is a stand out drive in comparison to some of the other cars I have.
Feb 12, 2017
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
No argument from me on this debate... they are both amazing cars. However, for me personally, the 182 Trophy is the better car.


I loved the V6. Properly, properly loved it. More so than [probably] any other car I've experienced. The noise, the drama, the conversation that would ensue with those familiar with the car and, more often than not, those who were not familiar with the V6. I drove it daily for a year whilst my Trophy was having work done and not a single day went by where I did not look forward to using it. I often looked for excuses to take it out in fact. Sure, it ate coils for fun, but - I'll say it again - the drama it provided when driving it was immense. Whilst not the quickest car ever it wasn't too shabby in terms of performance. It certainly needed respect (there were a couple of moments I had where luck skill kicked-in at just the right time) and I did get stuck in the work car park when we had about 1.5 inches of snow... Everyone I knew in m car club and, largely, circle of friends all developed a soft-spot for it and were always happy to jump in for a ride.


For me, the real joy is in the driving and the V6 just did not quite cut it in terms of pure and unadulterated driving thrills. I did not track it (although the option was there for me to!) but I did join up with @Claude and friends for a Wales drive a few years back. Despite pushing on (whilst remaining fully aware of the interesting V6 handling dynamics) there was no way I could keep up with the RS Clios and Civic Type-R. They were so much more capable covering the ground across the B-roads and from point-to-point. I was fine on the straights but show it a few bends (especially the tighter ones) and I was left wanting. It was great being able to plant the foot and hear the V6 roar to catch up though when the road next afforded me the opportunity...

So yes, for me it's about the driving and having the right 'tool' for the job. And that is unashamedly the Trophy. It's an amazing little car. Even though I've had my (un)fair share of ups and downs with it I still think it's great and have yet to find a car that offers the levels of thrills and driving enjoyment it offers. Light, nimble, fun, decent performance, well-respected, capable... what's not to love? :smile: For that reason, the Trophy is my #1.

There are a few folks here with both V6 and Trophy I suspect... :smile: Maybe... :tongueout:

What a great read and it's great to hear from someone who can compare the two from experience. In terms of price, it shouldn't even be a debate, BUT I know that Trophy is so damn good that it makes this a debate.

I could cry that only around 4-5 years ago, you could have bought a vee AND a Trophy with £15k. Look at the prices now.

I keep hearing about this unforgiving steering on the vee's as well as how nice the note of the engine makes. I'll have to get that added to my bucket list.

Two great cars in their own rights. All I can say is you're lucky if you own either of them.
Feb 12, 2017
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
What would you rather tell your mates down the pub about what you had in your garage? A Vee or a Trophy? There's gotta be an element of that that makes the Vee very appealing to, surely?
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
Swindon, Wilts
I would deeply love a vee (in grey or the crazy yellow) for looking at and nice drive on a sunny day.

But a trophy for proper pants on fire driving and enjoying.clio vee.jpg


ClioTrophy Moderator
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Trophy No.
Love the V6. I tagged along on a V6 meet once. I'll always remember driving through Hawes and seeing a whole crowd of heads turn and watch in awe as 20 or so V6's paraded through the village, followed by 2 Trophy's. Good times.



Clio V6 meet (29-3-09) 008.JPG
May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Trophy No.
V6 must feel like far more of an event.

The Trophy is obviously brilliant but you do have to delve deeper for the pay-off.
May 31, 2015
Reaction score
Father in law has an early V6, it looks great, sounds good and is an event to drive. But honestly it's not a particularly nice drive and I certainly wouldn't swap it for the Trophy (ignoring the relative £ values).
V6 is immensely cool though.
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I've always wondered how the two cars would perform lap time wise pitched against each other on a track. Two very different ways of making great hot hatches
Feb 12, 2017
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
What's the thoughts on phase 1 v phase 2 vee's? Phase 1's seem to get panned for their handling, but phase 2 is only said to be marginally better in that department.

Why is there usually a slight price difference between the phases? Is it simply because phase 1 is older, therefore cheaper, or is phase 2 the more desirable car?


ClioTrophy Club Member
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Wales, UK
Trophy No.
I bet the running costs were a pain with the Vee mate. A lot of jobs seem to be engine out jobbies.
I didn't find it too bad really but the Vee arrived with work already done and a newly rebuilt gearbox. Sure, compared to a 'normal' car it was a fair bit pricier to run and maintain but I was lucky enough to be in a position where I could enjoy it and use it as a daily (which was a good job as I needed a daily at the time!) I won't lie... I loved taking it into work as it was a bit of a hit with the petrol heads :p

I only touched up the bodywork a bit, replaced all the coils, new tyres all round, insurance, fuel... all worth it though for the privilege of being able to have it and use/abuse it for a year! :)

What would you rather tell your mates down the pub about what you had in your garage? A Vee or a Trophy? There's gotta be an element of that that makes the Vee very appealing to, surely?
My mates hear 'Clio' and then just take the pi$$... :p It doesn't matter what other words surround the word 'Clio'!!! ;) Thankfully most of my friends have at least a passing interest in cars and can appreciate both the Vee and the Tee for what they are and what they can offer.

I've always wondered how the two cars would perform lap time wise pitched against each other on a track. Two very different ways of making great hot hatches
Very much track-dependant. When Fred took his Vee around Spa it was great as it had plenty of space to utilise the V6 and stretch its legs between corners. Not massively quick by any means but enough to pull away from the likes of a 182 Trophy (assuming stock vs. stock of course). And requiring a lot more billy-big-b*ll*cks to trust it when that very light front end gets even lighter when cornering at speed! It's a weird sensation. On the tighter circuits I believe a well-driven Trophy will have the edge (most circuits probably) due to its ability to attack the corners, brake later and to tease the car around the bends using a playful throttle. I 'experimented' on a local (quiet) roundabout and found the Vee does not like a playful throttle mid-corner in the same way the Trophy does. By the time you've felt your arse slide and the weight of the Vee shifting behind you... it's too late. Hang on and good luck! :p (Naturally, if you treat it with respect - and respect the laws of physics - it's all good).