Recent content by Mike256

  1. Mike256

    Looking to buy Speedline Turinis

    Wrong offset for trophy wheels. Sets of 182 cup turini's come up fairly often on the Facebook clio sale groups. May need a respray but the easiest way to get them in Et45 offset
  2. Mike256

    Trophy spotted in the back of a Top Dead Centre video

    It's a great video. Good to see another clio being saved.
  3. Mike256

    Sachs OR cup front shocks and springs

    Photo Ed posted a set of clio cup dampers previously for sale. I had the same issue and ended up buying a set of dampers via the trophy Facebook group. They come up every so often or just post asking for a set. I struggled with springs and ended up with Mark fish Eibachs. Since then, grams...
  4. Mike256

    Brembo Brakes

    They will work and quite competitively priced. Quite a few people fit the Brembo high carbon discs to their car. Link below so you can compare sizes to the ebay ones.
  5. Mike256

    Trophy spotted in the back of a Top Dead Centre video

    They are. Hopefully they don't use a febi thermostat The trophy looks lovely and well looked after.
  6. Mike256

    Wow Wow Wow - coming soon collecting cars - No169

    Congrats to the new owner and I hope we get to see it on the road one day.
  7. Mike256

    Trophy spotted in the back of a Top Dead Centre video

    A trophy made a guest appearance in the back of a TDC video. I think the car might belong to his dad. The T appears at 14m39s. Pics from Instagram
  8. Mike256

    Wow Wow Wow - coming soon collecting cars - No169

    £23k and 5 minutes to go.
  9. Mike256

    Wow Wow Wow - coming soon collecting cars - No169

    I'm going with 22k and a viewing of the car from the current owner
  10. Mike256

    Iconic Auctioneers March 22/23rd -

    I was close to buying one back in 2009 and ended up buying a cheap Avensis as I bought my first flat instead.
  11. Mike256

    Continental Premium Contact 6

    Quick write up as I have my hands full tonight. Not had a chance yet to try a car on PS3 tyres so won't be able to give a comparison. Grip - no difference between wet and dry grip. On B roads I've not found the tyres limiting the cars capabilities and I've yet to find the limits of grip. Since...
  12. Mike256

    Continental Premium Contact 6

    No volunteer needed, the last owner fitted them to the T. What would you like to know?
  13. Mike256

    Trophy Sales on Collecting Cars

    Could this be exlenanded to track Trophy sales through any car auctions.? I believe three or more sold via other auctions last year. Although I buy quite a few parts from Facebook marketplace it's still not my preference as the common scams and issues persist.
  14. Mike256

    Wow Wow Wow - coming soon collecting cars - No169

    Some amazing early interest has seen it jump to 15k by 2pm. Hope it continues and the owner gets very strong money for it.
  15. Mike256

    Gearbox help!!

    It's probably worth posting on clio sport for help as they have a gearbox rebuild expert.