Switching from Sachs to Cups

Nov 4, 2022
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Hi all,

Some of you may have seen in my #196 thread it's refurb time. As my car is my daily, I need to keep the car on the road. I have a set of Cup dampers supplied with the car, plus some Cooksport springs I'll give a whirl. Sorry for the rather basic questions, but I've spent a good while searching and can't find the answers. As I'm useless when it comes to manual labour, a good buddy doing the switch on Sunday, so I don't want to waste his time and want to make sure all the correct parts are present and correct :)

1) Do I reuse the Trophy bump stops, dust covers and top mounts, or do I need to get some cup ones ordered ASAP? I see they are available from KAM Racing, however, they appear to be different from the Trophy ones. Obviously, I'm aware the Trophy runs special bump stops, just want to make sure the overall length etc will be correct between the different dampers. It won't be fun having a car in bits on his driveway and a tonne of time wasted.

2) Only one of the front Cups has a nut, given there is never a silly question, assume it's the same as what's already on the car? Again, Kam sell replacements

3) Is it worth replacing or upgrading any additional items, such as the rear spring seats/rubbers or any potential bushes? The Sachs mounts already have Powerflex fitted. Obviously, this isn't essential right now, as it can be done when the Sachs go back on...but handy to know.

Many thanks in advance


ClioTrophy Club Member
Jul 22, 2018
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Hi Craig,

If you're fitting the 182 Cup dampers, I would say it would be prudent to get the other 182 Cup bits to facilitate the fitting. Though I think your car is running Powerflex bump stops and dust covers looking at the history on here, when the Sachs etc were re-done in 2021 by previous owner @IRK ? I've no idea if these are Trophy specific or simply a generic 182 powerflex product.

Replacing other bushes etc is down to personal preference with regards how you want the chassis to feel and or how worn out the existing ones are I guess. I've heard that fitting certain powerflex bushes to 182's can make them unbearably harsh as road cars, it depends what you're seeking to achieve. I had my ARB bushes replaced (for standard items as I don't want to drive around in a track car) when I had my old Sachs swapped over for a refreshed pair, but apparently it's an awful job, so I suppose it's also down to how much hard labour you want to subject your pal to.. :D

Good luck!