Hi guys, further to my post in the register I thought I'd give you a bit more detail on #387. I picked it up yesterday from a guy who'd advertised it on Cliosport. Had great drive from Guildford back up to the North West first on the M40 and then the A41, which is a great Trophy type road I reckon.
The car seems to be generally in good nick. The bodywork could do with a bit of TLC; Nothing major but there are a few scrapes and chips here and there. The front splitter is knacked after an incident with a fox and the headlights are pretty glazed. The interior is in good shape apart from the steering wheel and I've already fixed a non-sliding Recaro this morning. I also fitted a new gear knob but needs a new gear gaiter too.
Mechanically it feels OK too. The Sachs definitely need a refurb. They look OK without too much corrosion but the front end bounces up and down like a 70s Cadillac. The rear discs are a bit thin and it's due a service. Belts are due next year although aux belt is overdue.
It seems to be standard apart from an aftermarket exhaust and V6 air box (need to investigate this).
So my plan is:
Fit Cup Front dampers and send the Sachs away for refurb
New OEM damper top mounts
Keep the OEM rear dampers for now but maybe go for Koni adjustables in the future
Keep standard springs for now, maybe Eibachs later.
New front wishbones
New dogbone mount
New gear gaiter
New rear discs
New splitter (came with the car)
Oil service
Replace or refurb steering wheel
Not really sure what to do about the steering wheel. My gut says have the existing one re-trimmed as it'll make the car more attractive come sale time but I think I'm going to end up fitting a smaller diameter OMP/Sparco type for a bit more driver involvement.
Before I had kids five years ago I used to do a lot of track days and I intend to start doing them again. Not loads, maybe 3 or 4 per year, so I'll probably pick up a cheap set of 15's with that in mind.
Anyway, that's the plan so far but I'm open to suggestions on what else I should be looking at or replacing. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you in Wales in September. I'll post some better snaps when I get the chance but here's one for now.

The car seems to be generally in good nick. The bodywork could do with a bit of TLC; Nothing major but there are a few scrapes and chips here and there. The front splitter is knacked after an incident with a fox and the headlights are pretty glazed. The interior is in good shape apart from the steering wheel and I've already fixed a non-sliding Recaro this morning. I also fitted a new gear knob but needs a new gear gaiter too.
Mechanically it feels OK too. The Sachs definitely need a refurb. They look OK without too much corrosion but the front end bounces up and down like a 70s Cadillac. The rear discs are a bit thin and it's due a service. Belts are due next year although aux belt is overdue.
It seems to be standard apart from an aftermarket exhaust and V6 air box (need to investigate this).
So my plan is:
Fit Cup Front dampers and send the Sachs away for refurb
New OEM damper top mounts
Keep the OEM rear dampers for now but maybe go for Koni adjustables in the future
Keep standard springs for now, maybe Eibachs later.
New front wishbones
New dogbone mount
New gear gaiter
New rear discs
New splitter (came with the car)
Oil service
Replace or refurb steering wheel
Not really sure what to do about the steering wheel. My gut says have the existing one re-trimmed as it'll make the car more attractive come sale time but I think I'm going to end up fitting a smaller diameter OMP/Sparco type for a bit more driver involvement.
Before I had kids five years ago I used to do a lot of track days and I intend to start doing them again. Not loads, maybe 3 or 4 per year, so I'll probably pick up a cheap set of 15's with that in mind.
Anyway, that's the plan so far but I'm open to suggestions on what else I should be looking at or replacing. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you in Wales in September. I'll post some better snaps when I get the chance but here's one for now.

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