A job dilemma 2!!!

Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Cambridge Uk

Some of you guys may remember a while back i was having trouble with my employers!

Basically they took over the existing company i was working for in January 2006, and also had to take over the staff too. They have been making life as hard as possible for us to see if we will resign, including measures like changing the pay structure for the worse etc etc!

Well me and a colleague have made the decision to just go! The money is now not enough ( Need to earn the money to keep the Tomato in my grasps, so need the £££ ), and the working atmosphere has gone way downhill!

So here's where i need help???

Is anyone one here good at writing CV's??? I have been an Estate Agent for 5 years and they dont really ask for CV's so i am very much out of touch with this?

And also, any good websites to look on for Sales based jobs?

I am not formally qualified in much but my 5 years of sales must count for something.

Any help from you peeps will be greatly appreciated.

Wigstar1 ( Stu. )
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score

It is certainly a big step to take - so well done for having the courage (although you could have put the feeler out in the market before resigning!).

Nonetheless: I would definitely start by looking online for various examples.

My top tips are:

- Keep it simple (1 page, leave lots of white space)
- Keep it relevant (no one cares about the job you had pouring bar drinks one weekend at Uni)
- Keep it structured (latest and most relevant at the top)
- Keep it professional (check the spelling many times - give it to others to check for you)
- Keep it quantitative (what value in £ have you added to employers in the past - sales etc.)
- Customise it (change it depending on the specific job you are applying for)
- Complement it (write a good cover letter: why you, why the company, next steps)

Hope this helps... and good luck!

Dec 11, 2005
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P.S. If you come to the meet on Sunday I can share some ideas with you - I'll bring a copy of my CV :) I'm not too sure if that's blackmail to get you to the meet though... :-w 8-[




May 18, 2006
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Republico Yorkshire
Trophy No.
stu - take a look at http://www.redwoodselection.co.uk/cvtips.html

Follow these guide lines and you'll be fine. Sales based CV's are the easiest to do as you're acheievements are about money - all businesses are interested in people that can earn them money!

If you're interested in print management, not sure on how to geographically manage it but, i'm always looking for Sales people for that business.
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hey Stu,

Sounds like a good move if you ask me. I worked for a large chain of Estate agents for a couple of years about 5 years ago and was treated like absolute rubbish. I spent a lot of time looking at my options and decided that it was time to look at a new career.

I applied for a couple of jobs in recruitment and was amazed at how much better both the pay and the working environment was compared to estate agency. It was a bit of a challenge at first just to get used to being on the phone all day rather than out and about all the time, but the money's much better and you get your weekends back. I've been doing it ever since and loving it (most days!). Even if you start off somewhere with a fairly low basic etc, it will still definitely be on a par with where you are currently and given 6 months you will be able to have the pick of plenty more jobs. I was amazed at how long I had been getting screwed as an estate agent.

With 5 years sales and 6 months in recruitment, you'll be flying.

If you want to PM me your CV or just drop it across to my email - ow@verticariskmanagement.com then I'll happily look over it for you.

Nov 7, 2006
Reaction score

Best to try Monster. The sales jobs are in a large amount there and once u put ure CV on there u'll get tons of calls
Dec 17, 2005
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Took a while getting to this. Thought it was the previous job dilemma thread.

What Ollie/Cue said about quantifying your experience is certainly the most important.
Instead of saying 'Responsibilites included digging ditches and boiling tar', you'd be better off saying 'digging ditches enabling the King to have 1/3 less guards on duty and boiling tar with a high viscosity which covers enemies twice as fast' or something like that :wink:

As far as websites are concened www.jobserve.com is good for IT, not sure about sales and www.countrywiderecruitment.co.uk serves their entire organisation of estate agents...of course if you've just come from that group then maybe not :oops:

Definitely best to have a generic CV and cover letter as your template for building role specific CVs and cover letters. Should also have them in .doc and .txt format. Oh ya, as obvious as it may seem, don't misrepresent yourself! I work (well start up again on Monday anyways) as a technical writer in the IT industry and supposedly edit stuff from time to time (or so says my CV :wink: ) and can take a look at what you've got and/or provide a generic example if you wanna PM me.
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Cambridge Uk
Thnaks for all your help so far. All a bit new for me as i've been working in the same industry for 5 years and have not updated my CV in that time. Managed to find my old one and it did still have my paperound on it! Ha,ha. All a bit daunting but i know im making the right decision.

Any other websites for CV help or job searches will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.