Well I use it up the stables, my brother has one too, Considering i paid 800 squid for it its not bad, run it on red diesel it will go on for ever.
The thing is i'm not keeping it in the hope it will become a collectors car.
The reason i want to go there.
To be honest i doubt i'd go very fast round the track, too nervous and too worried about wrecking car. But those guys would just shit me up.
Sweet. I thought someone would know who it was.
I've been looking for more pics, but there are so many, i can only search for car colour or other make (renault not being one of the ring big boys.)
I should break the 3000k mark today got to take my mother to the airport. I was thinking about getting an oil change done. Its got to go in for the crash damage to be fixed so i might get them to change the oil at the same time. Then i think i'll get me one of those ITG air panel filters...
When i was up the market yesterday saw a lovely beaded seat cover, going for £12. I'm sure it would look the nuts in the Trophy. Making the hugging buckets all nice and slippery. haha. For that 80's look and feel.
I'd like to see the lap time if they did take it round the track. I'm sure the Stig would have the car tripodding like a well tripod. I'd like to see if the car is a second quicker than the normal 182.
Would be wicked to see Sabine join Top Gear and have her take cars round the ring. I'd...
Wouldn't fancy my chances against it on a straight though. Stopping either. Mag states it can stop from top end to zero in 450 meters. With 400mm discs at the front i'm not surprised.
Just waiting for the obligatory Williams would stuff it on a track comment. (only kidding) :wink: