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  1. ducks butt

    Anyone else receive renault packs through the post?

    Thats it, i've still got mine in the car, minus a few bits, i'd like to get a boot net though, so i can put the repair foam and the pack in the boot rather than clog up the glovebox.
  2. ducks butt

    Intermittent wiper stalk clarification???

    Also try posting here, someone might know
  3. ducks butt

    Trophy in Leigh-on-Sea

    I didn't spot it, girl in work did. Was it anyone from here? I think she means Leigh-on-Sea by Southend.
  4. ducks butt

    Anyone else receive renault packs through the post?

    Yup got that and used that. LOL The torch isn't too hot, i've since got a better maglight. The accident report thing is o.k, handy to know what details to take when the adrenalin is pumping.
  5. ducks butt

    xbox 360

    So much for plug and play. Fingers crossed i have no probs next week.
  6. ducks butt

    xbox 360

    Did you chaps get a game after all? I've not got a router so will I have problems with the 360? I can't be having this every time i want to have a game.
  7. ducks butt

    Can someone make me an Avatar

    merci buckets.
  8. ducks butt

    Man i`m an idiot! ( caught speeding )

    If you were in the US, they would have pulled a gun and you'll be filming the next Metallica video in San Quentin.
  9. ducks butt

    Can someone make me an Avatar

    as the title says, my PSP has expired. ... mage_id=28
  10. ducks butt

    xbox 360

    What no RS Focus? I used to love that around the edinburgh tracks. :-( I noramlly make a point of having lots of friends in the room so if one person starts to drive like a tit, they can get set upon by everyone else. ha
  11. ducks butt

    Looking to upgrade bulbs

    Thats right the lower of the two light holders are the side lights. Don't pull the wires, but they are pretty stiff so just gently lever the white bit. You may not need to, but i've got fat hands and fingers so not the greatest things to get in small places. I want to see photos of...
  12. ducks butt

    xbox 360

    Sweet, what is PG3 like? Is the idea the same to earn kudos points?
  13. ducks butt

    Looking to upgrade bulbs

    Side lights, weren't too bad, just get a flat head and gently pop out the holder. It was the H7 bulbs which were the pig to change. Don't be tempted to kick the car, find a wall instead. lol Oh and have plasters at the ready, and some TCP. ha.
  14. ducks butt

    xbox 360

    Just got a call, should be getting it next week. WOOOO HOOOOO. Only getting PG3 with it, so if anyone fancies a game on live my gt is stumpywilly
  15. ducks butt

    Strut Braces - any good on a clio

    wow really.
  16. ducks butt

    Favourite car videos

    KS-No driver aids in that video. He was amazing.
  17. ducks butt

    Favourite car videos

    Got a good Pug T16 one, the car sounds amazing. My MSN thingie is My audi one is only about 11mb, and it does have sound, just need to turn it up loud. lol Got a great 1033bhp M5 and naughty Escort MK1 i think at the Gatebil in Denmark. They are monsters too.
  18. ducks butt

    Cheap DIEsel Sh***er!

    Yeah thats another good idea, they must get loads in all the time people just choping any old mota in just to get a discount. lol
  19. ducks butt

    Looking to upgrade bulbs

    Its a real poxy design. I like the bit in the owners manual, "take it to a dealers" to do a bulb, i'd hate to think how much that would cost.
  20. ducks butt

    Man i`m an idiot! ( caught speeding )

    Gutted mate, not the a120 was it? Is this your first offence? Fingers crossed its not too harsh although average of 126 is pretty high.
  21. ducks butt

    Strut Braces - any good on a clio

    Does it make the car skip across the road?
  22. ducks butt

    Cheap DIEsel Sh***er!

    Go to a repo place. There is one down the road from me, x customs impound cars etc..., you can pic up real bargains there. Don't spend say more that 250 then if i breaks and dies, throw it away and get a new one. I paid £100 for a 1.4 Nova, had it for two years then chucked it, but in that...
  23. ducks butt

    Help needed with fitting Target LRC100

    TBH, speed traps are normally always in residential areas, or near schools. Why speed in them, its not big. I'm not going to say i don't speed coz i do, but going past schools etc, i always slow down. The speed limiter on the Clio has saved my arse a fair few times. I think i'd kill myself...
  24. ducks butt

    Favourite car videos

    The first Getaway in Stockholm was good with the Porcshe, two wasn't bad and then they got very commercial. I can MSN anyone a copy. Got a great vid of a BMW M3 GTR round the ring and its bloomin quick. I like the vids of the old group B ralley cars, got a good S1 Audi in Spain and its...
  25. ducks butt

    Anyone fitted a MP3 player to their trophy? ... duct=19675 A special online deal at the moment.
  26. ducks butt

    Strut Braces - any good on a clio

    What do strut braces really do?
  27. ducks butt

    Spax springs now available for Trophy

    I have Apex springs in my mattress. It sags like you wouldn't believe. HA
  28. ducks butt

    Oilman needs your feedback please

    Spot on speedy reply to my emails. Will be ordering very shortly from the site. Good discounts for members too, and no secret handshake needed. BONUS
  29. ducks butt

    Fight with your cock!

    I've lost too much money on Party Poker to start betting on other "sports".
  30. ducks butt

    Oilman needs your feedback please
