what...?...seriously ?
thanks for posting this in every sub forum but i cant see owners of a light weight car wanting this "stealth sub box" what ever that is?
another world cup gem...the adidas / starwars / world cup "cantina" advert...yes that's Snoop
here's the link...
you probably just "walked" them in, if they were greased and that size they would just stick to your shoe, have you been anywhere where this could have happened..?
maybe hes referring to the category of the alarm ? as its next to the alarm bit in the text ,and hit "D" instead of what ever category the trophy alarm is "A"?
just a thought...
companys like this are the scum of the earth, praying on the naive & poorly informed, basically people only go there as a last resort because they cant get credit anywhere else and they know that and swiftly stick it up them with insane credit terms.
they are right up there with the likes of...
dont you need the headlight washers to pass the MOT if zenons are fitted ?
this has been talked through a few times over the years and i'm sure this is an issue...
its both smaller and fatter, and feels so much better overall...although its a much lighter grey than the 182 interior
im sure it it was a simple swap everyone would be doing it.
nice....looks like the exact same spec of the RS factory cars on the Ice track circuit at Val Torhens i saw will in France back in febuary (apart from the tyres obivously) ...the pearl white makes a long overdue return IMO
you might also want to not mention that your wife has been using it for the last year, there have been many comments about cars advertised as" female owned" lately... non of them positive.
noticed this post over on CS ...(yeah i know)
some bright spark has worked out that a almost identical from splitter of a 2007 skoda Fabia fits the 182 with only a tiny bit of trimming....and only costs £10 !!! yeah Renault £10 !!!
heres the link...
expensive - too right !!!
i sometimes wonder if you bought each individual clio part separatley and made up a whole car, how much i would cost in relation to the cost of that car new from the showroom....2,3 times more?
so did you add the climate control unit ? in noticed it in the last photos.
is it simply just a straight swap over?
never hear of anyone doing this before...well not on here anyway
basically there's no way to work out the number...
RS in both the UK and France have no records of what No. matches what VIN.
Trophy numbers do not run in line with the VIN - i.e a trophy with higher Vin could have a lower number than a car with a lower VIN.
if anything you might just have to...
yeah it was me that posted that warning to avoid...
basically for the money they were asking it was a bad deal, it wasnt in good shape and for your average Trophy buyer wouldnt have been a good car.
but credit to you... =D> you've done a good job.
did you ever get anything sorted about the...