I've recently acquired 321 and although I am very happy with it, I am looking for ways to make it my own..
Thoughts so far are to send some of the interior trim to Spray shack and let them do their magic and also alcantra on the A posts.. Ive seen some folk add carbon fibre or red bits inside...
No offence, but if you dont want to offer advice why bother to give me S**T.. If you prefer not to help or don't think I deserve your help then say nothing and save your breath.. No need to get worked up is there.
I'm very grateful for everyones advice and it has helped me decide what sort of...
Cheers mate Id have to go with the second choice I think... Not that I won't look after it but Im not one to be polishing and worrying about every little thing...
Cheers mate, I think Id like to track it as Ive never done it before and it seems an ideal car to start with.... As opposed to buying a mint one and abusing it..