I've been meaning to take a look, especially on ns, rattles so much, even with radio off. I'm thinking blue tak if I can't find way to tighten anything to improve it.
I use the carlack nano systematic care and long life sealant. £25 for both products, takes a good half day to do prepare surface and apply both but the finish is amazing from them. Well worth the time, and saves an absolute fortune over getting car done with SG/PG. And can easily for every...
I never seem to notice it on road most of time, unless I am making a bit of an effort on a roundabout to induce some play. I've found the ESP gives me plenty of chance to make minor corrections with steering / throttle before it decides it should have it's turn at saving my life. Its the least...
If the Janspeed in anything like the Janspeed I had on my old 206 it will get great with age. It was obvious it wasn't standard, but not too in your face, and did make a great poppint sound when changing gear. It is certainly a contender for when my OEM exhaust gives up.
22k done so far. The rate it now seems to be going up I'll be a member of the 30k club soon. Luckily had the 24k service brought forward by dealer so i don't have to bother with next service until about 30k.
^^^^^My Car. Just realised this post. It's still just as shiny too. What did you use to clean the inside Maxine ? It still has a hint of new car smell.
I put post on Renaultsport forum and had a couple of dealers reply, ended up buying from one of those. It only took me about 4 weeks from realising I finally had enough money to buy one to collecting it.
Bloke from Allvehicles seems very helpful, and others seem to recommend him...