Recent content by Chewywms

  1. Chewywms

    Seat Slider/Runner

    Hello, My passenger seat has stopped locking in place on the sliders. Does anyone have a spare runners for sale or know of any aftermarket/universal ones that would fit? Many thanks
  2. Chewywms

    Trophy - Anglesey

    I don’t see many around here, so totally unexpected. Don't worry, I was in the family touran, so didn’t wave. Car looked good mate.
  3. Chewywms

    Trophy - Anglesey

    Spotted today on the A5025 towards the north of Anglesey.
  4. Chewywms

    Tyre choice

    @Messer @Gambit where they the AD08R or AD08RS versions?
  5. Chewywms

    Reroduction of oem spec new Rear Dampers - Interest Check -

    1. 50/50, Laurent : 1 Set of rear dampers 2. Paul Morris - x1 or 2 sets 3. Andy James (AJRACER) 4. Greg Evans (Greva) 5. Ben Gundry (BenG) 6. Andy E (SharkyUK) - x1 set 7. Andy H (evilandy) 8. Dave W [Big Dave] 9. Jack E [wackojacko] 10. Michaelfoz 11. Gareth K (Chipper) 12. mhj360 (Matthew...
  6. Chewywms

    Tyre choice

    Has anybody considered 195 45 16? Would the size difference be noticeable ble?!
  7. Chewywms

    Tyre choice

    Can’t find PS3 anywhere, so looking at AD08RS too.
  8. Chewywms

    Tyre choice

    Just wondering what tyres everyone is running now that PS3 are hard to find?! Thanks
  9. Chewywms

    Black plastics

    Sorry to hi-jack...As an alternative, has anybody painted their black plastics in plasti kote? What colour did you use? Where the results any good? Thanks.
  10. Chewywms

    Trophys by County

    #161- Anglesey (96)
  11. Chewywms

    Valeo Alternator

    Great, thanks Mark.
  12. Chewywms

    Valeo Alternator

    Hi, just wondering if anyone could confirm the correct Valeo Alternator part number for the trophy. I think its 437306 but want to double check please? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
  13. Chewywms

    Trophy Side Decals
  14. Chewywms

    Trophy Side Decals

    Just fitted the side decal from forum shop. Great sticker and value. The letter spacing was different to the ones I had on my car so had to stick each letter individually to cover the faded outline of the old sticker.