Jul 27, 2006
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Well, well, well....what do we have here? possibly the biggest collection of Clio driving snitches ever in one single place. You really should all get a life.
As for the forum user MarcR, well all I can say is you must be up to something completely wrong judging by the amount of smear you are trying to spread about me..........why dont we talk about your crimes hey?...what are your crimes MarkR?

First of all, let me explain a few ground truths as you are all clearly living in a box.
No customers cars are used in any Youtube videos, I own a price comparison website and do not get to drive our customers cars.
The Cars featured are not ragged and have never been, a 0 to 60 test is a standard car test conducted by every single car manufacturer in the past several decades. If the cars featured were left wheel spinning up the road like in Fast & Furious then you may have a point but you dont.
I would suggest you all take a long look at yourselves and remember an old classic saying that went something like about ....he who hath no sin, cast the first stone.
At the end of the day what we have here is a Youtube video about a car and features the opinion of one person out of 8.2 billion on the planet. If you dont agree with the opinion...fine, then move along.
The real problem here is that you are all unable to hear something negative about a car you obviously like so much that you have joined this forum.
I would suggest you first off all get your facts right and secondly ask yourselves why you are obsessed about what another man is up I say what are your crimes?
Finally, the best thing you can all do apart from growing up and getting a life is to make your own car reviews about the Clio Trophy but lets face it, I think I had it all covered in mine and now it would appear I have the driver type covered too.
Really chaps....get a life and grow some thumbs!

Really, is that it? But then again an erudite response with a little imagination and verve was probably expecting too much on the evidence. Again you pretty much miss/sidestep the original point that some of us were trying to make, that though none of us believe that the T does not have faults (it is at the end of the day a cheap French hatch) you got the car completely wrong and I can go on till I'm blue in the face and you still won't get it and TBH I don't care.
I hope you appreciate that we have given you a chance to voice your thoughts on here, that is more than you gave some of us on your site, I had comments deleted and was barred for no other reason than I thought you were wrong.
Frankly I think your reviews are ill informed and excruciatingly dull but at least you now perhaps realise that we at least have a passion for our cars and driving.
Jul 7, 2009
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So... on his website he says someone wearing hi-vis will meet you at Gatwick when you choose meet and greet with them, in his reviews he is wearing a hi-vis jacket and a number of videos start with a message saying "Gatwick Car Parkers - car reviews by a valet driver"

But he runs a comparison website and doesn't use customers' cars.

Something doesn't add up!
Aug 5, 2013
Reaction score
Really, is that it? But then again an erudite response with a little imagination and verve was probably expecting too much on the evidence. Again you pretty much miss/sidestep the original point that some of us were trying to make, that though none of us believe that the T does not have faults (it is at the end of the day a cheap French hatch) you got the car completely wrong and I can go on till I'm blue in the face and you still won't get it and TBH I don't care.
I hope you appreciate that we have given you a chance to voice your thoughts on here, that is more than you gave some of us on your site, I had comments deleted and was barred for no other reason than I thought you were wrong.
Frankly I think your reviews are ill informed and excruciatingly dull but at least you now perhaps realise that we at least have a passion for our cars and driving.

Well the best thing you can do is make your own review of the car, what more can I say other than if you genuinely do have a point then thats the best way to get it across. Do it!
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
You're still missing the point! The fact that all your reviews are utter sh*te is only the half of it. It's more to do with you quite clearly taking people's cars and ragging them in a review without the owners permission.
Aug 5, 2013
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Like I said, I do not use customers cars, if you insist on believing that then I cant help you. I run a comparison website. Who owns the car is absolutely none of your business whatsoever. You can believe what you want but like I said previously it is absolutely none of your business at all, in fact it has nothing to do with you at all.
If you want to make a big deal out of something that is not your concern, then report me to trading standards, Watchdog, Gatwick airport whoever. I am open for examination from any agency, or source.
I would seriously like someone like you to snitch me up to a program like Watchdog, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to go on TV but seriously you all need to get a life and when you are all not busy trying to save the planet, you might want to concentrate on your own pathetic lives.
In fact if you were not all twenty somethings, living with your parents and earning minimum wage I would sue the whole lot of you for internet trolling...............I think you are sad.
At the end of the day I get to drive literally 1000's of cars every year and I drive cars from each end of the spectrum, I know a good car when I come across one and the Renault Clio is a pile of french c**p, out of all the cars I drive the Clio is dreadful.
It is so poorly made, the build quality is hideous, the interior is full of cheap low grade plastic, the car understeers and it takes off steers, it is awful in the rain, the brakes are crap and at the end of the day it is just a load of hyped up Clio crap. It is about as much a track car as a fighter jet is a jumbo....for heavens sake, the car is s** with it....................over and out, I am bored of this.Sad
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Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Oh dear, this is getting a bit farcical now :(

I've never owned a Clio (but I'd love a Trophy), I'm also a businessman & am not in my 20s, but it's my own personal opinion that the thousand's of cars you drive each year belong at least mostly to people parking at the Valet Car Parking company you promote.

Although at least with the Clio Trophy I'm sure it can't have been a customer's car, as otherwise performing 0-60s & "Brake tests" without permission then discussing on the owners' forum of a limited run car where 90% of the cars are registered is a bit brave! One of our members might remember using your firm at the end of August 2012 & be able to identify the car, had that been true.

What's also farcical is that the reason this 'review' generated interest in the first place was because it stood out as woefully inaccurate, & I find your continued conviction against the car quite funny; the UK's motoring journalists were all queuing up to praise this car in 2005, and I suspect the only real-world factor that's changed since then is extra driver weight.

I think if I was a valet parker I'd quite enjoy getting to drive other peoples' cars and maybe even value my own opinion enough to tell people what I thought of them. Although I'd also be worried with the amount of gadgets in cars these days that someone would find out their car had been ragged & do something about it.

*continues looking for the right Trophy*

btw not sure if you ever have 15mins spare & want some tips on reviewing you should watch this:
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Jun 24, 2011
Reaction score
you might want to concentrate on your own pathetic lives.
In fact if you were not all twenty somethings, living with your parents and earning minimum wage I would sue the whole lot of you for internet trolling...............I think you are sad

You are nothing more than an obnoxious and unintelligent fool, you remind me of a spoilt child with an attitude of "it’s my way or the highway" you're merely shouting off on here because you don't like the fact people don't agree with you, you make completely uneducated assumptions and offensive comments towards a group of people you know nothing about. You signed up to this forum and started being abusive, in my eyes, and that of the law, it would be you who is deemed to be "trolling" as for the comments you've made they make me laugh to be honest.

I do not live with my parents, and I ear far more than minimum wage and what’s more I do it honestly, it’s pretty clear you use customers cars which is why you are being so defensive on the matter, and I think the comments you make clearly show that you are nothing more than a bully who isn't clever enough to solve issues by talking them through but strike me more as a person who hits out first and thinks about it later, wouldn't surprise me if you punch your missus when she does something that you don’t agree with.

Why is this making you so worked up and rude? Is there any need for it? No! Seriously, do us all a favour and grow up.

Oh and for the record, you might think we are "sad" but we don't care.
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Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Well that escalated quickly, not been on since my 1'st post about this chaps 'Fantastic' review. I think we're all in agreement here, the cars in these videos are clearly his customers, and his 'reviews' are up there with the worst on the internet, but that is a matter of opinion.
But if i was was running a business like his i would be careful not to upset to many people for fear of a whistleblower...

Also, on another note, why would the age of a driver make a car any better or worse, a good car is a good car regardless of this.
Apr 25, 2011
Reaction score
Jeez my life is over as I am a minimum wage, home living, French tin can owning man.

Dear god don't feed the troll anymore.
Jan 27, 2010
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SW France
Like to join in but I don't fit the demographic ......

just noticed my post count, cool!!!!
Jul 27, 2006
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Trophy No.
Like I said, I do not use customers cars, if you insist on believing that then I cant help you. I run a comparison website. Who owns the car is absolutely none of your business whatsoever. You can believe what you want but like I said previously it is absolutely none of your business at all, in fact it has nothing to do with you at all.
If you want to make a big deal out of something that is not your concern, then report me to trading standards, Watchdog, Gatwick airport whoever. I am open for examination from any agency, or source.
I would seriously like someone like you to snitch me up to a program like Watchdog, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to go on TV but seriously you all need to get a life and when you are all not busy trying to save the planet, you might want to concentrate on your own pathetic lives.
In fact if you were not all twenty somethings, living with your parents and earning minimum wage I would sue the whole lot of you for internet trolling...............I think you are sad.
At the end of the day I get to drive literally 1000's of cars every year and I drive cars from each end of the spectrum, I know a good car when I come across one and the Renault Clio is a pile of french c**p, out of all the cars I drive the Clio is dreadful.
It is so poorly made, the build quality is hideous, the interior is full of cheap low grade plastic, the car understeers and it takes off steers, it is awful in the rain, the brakes are crap and at the end of the day it is just a load of hyped up Clio crap. It is about as much a track car as a fighter jet is a jumbo....for heavens sake, the car is s** with it....................over and out, I am bored of this.Sad

Bored and yet you can't stay away. I wasn't going to add anymore to this as i couldn't be less interested in what you think but this post is as childish as anything you accuse us of, can you really sue people for internet trolling? Grow up. Your summing up of us is about as wayward as your summing up of the cars you "review"
And btw I shan't be doing and posting my own test on the T as it's been done brilliantly by other professional journalists and I do not feel the need to stroke my own ego like some.


ClioTrophy Moderator
Feb 19, 2008
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I do not feel the need to stroke my own ego like some.

I tried stroking mine once, it's not easy without thumbs.


ClioTrophy Club Member
Nov 26, 2010
Reaction score
This gets better and better every hour of every day.

Im still trying to work out what a comparison website has to do with a fat fingered gent driving a number of different cars in a uniform with a hi-viz orange vest with "Gatwick Valet Parking" at the start of his very badly reviewed car clips on youtube.

Like most on here i don't work for a minimum wage, i have a bought and paid for house with No mortgage and i have the choice of 4 cars which are all bought and paid for so to tar the users of this forum with that brush i find it rather funny.

I also find it very funny that they fact you claim we are trolling. Do you have any idea what a troll does ?
From what i can see most of the users in this topic and that have made a valid comment are all long term posters with a history on the trophy forum. Not some middle aged man thats just joined up to moan about a group of "Snitches" (your word)

I once again fail to see how anyone is going to take your review serious in any way when you have people like EVO, AutoExpress & Piston heads all giving this car the thumbs (Not fat ones) up.
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
You don't know your arse from your elbow and to do a review on any car that you know nothing about and the best excuse that you think that validates that is " I drive thousands of cars " whoop de do you. Come back when you have a least a brain cell that will function.